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Mission and Ethos Statements

Mission Statement


Holy Trinity School exists


• To enrich each child in mind, heart and spirit, and prepare him/her for life in age-appropriate ways.


• Within the school’s Christian ethos, to help our children grow in faith, hope and love, with respect for and in co-operation with the religion, denomination and/or philosophy of their homes.


• To promote, develop and nurture wellbeing by enabling children to realise their potential, to be resilient and to connect to the wider community.


• To encourage and enable each child’s gifts and answer each child’s needs within the framework of a well-structured environment and in a climate of trust and love.


• To help each child become an active and creative learner at his/her own speed.


• To give each child the basic training s/he needs to become integrated and self-reliant rounded personalities, well-informed for their age, and ready to participate as citizens.


• To enable each child to experience fully the academic, artistic, physical and spiritual within the subject s of the curriculum.



Ethos Statement


Holy Trinity School is a Church of Ireland school. Its values are based on the

example and teachings of Jesus as understood by that Church.  


• All pupils are valued and respected for who they are, including but not limited to issues of religion, gender, race, social background, family circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or intellectual functioning.


• Pupils are treated encouragingly and fairly, and experience a sense of caring

    and belonging. The safety of each child is guarded as of the first importance.


• Honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others and civic

responsibility are nurtured and protected.


• Spiritual, moral, and religious development is encouraged as are intellectual, social and academic development.  


• The traditions and teachings of the Church of Ireland inform the position taken

    in regard to moral issues which arise in the teaching of secular subjects.


• Prayer and Religious Education in our school are so conducted as to protect

    and nurture responsible freedom of thought and personal relationship with



• Religious Education is a core subject and happens at specified times in the school timetable.  

• When space allows we enrol and welcome not only Church of Ireland children but children of any Christian denomination, of any other religion, and of none. The life and work of the school happens in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious difference.  


• As the school is part of the local Church of Ireland parish, the Rector of Holy Trinity parish visits the school regulary.


• Our pupils and their families are encouraged to nourish their lives by regular prayer and its several honest equivalents, and by attending the parish church or the places of worship or of encouragement of their own choice.  All are encouraged to support and share in Children’s Services in Holy Trinity Church.


• We respect and affirm the role of our children’s parents as the primary educators of their children.  We ask and need their support for the objectives and work of the school.



Reviewed  2000, 2005, 2012, 2015 and 2021​

Next review 2026

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